This invaluable service allows us to take in many more dogs by housing them with families until permanent homes can be found. We offer training sessions, unlimited support, and the chance for you to experience the pleasure of getting to know many dogs, and the satisfaction of helping them on their way to a new life.

You may not realize what goes on behind the scenes for us to get your dog to you. Our foster homes range from Long Island to Delaware, and everywhere in between. When a dog finds a permanent home, we need to get him or her to a point closer to their final destination. We also need help in transporting dogs in emergencies.

Information Booths/Events
By setting up tables at fairs, malls and pet supply stores, or participating in public events, we are able to interest many new people in Greyhound adoption. This often translates into homes. Please contact the following volunteers for information on events near you:

Annual Homecoming
Once a year all of our Greyhounds, and their adopters, are invited to gather for a Make Peace With Animals family reunion picnic. Putting on an event of this size (500 people typically attend) requires the help of many hands.

Veterinary Discounts
Do you have a veterinarian who you trust who you think might be interested in working with us for a reduced rate? We are always on the lookout for top notch doctors who understand that we are an all-volunteer group that works hard to give our adoptees the best care possible.

Fund Raising
Although all of us at Make Peace With Animals volunteer our time, we do have expenses–namely, tens of thousands of dollars in yearly veterinary bills. Do you have a sure-fire idea for helping us raise funds? Some of the things that our volunteers have done to help have been yard sales, Tupperware parties, the design, manufacture and sale of Beeny Hounds, day spa events and more.